About Me

Hi, there! I’m Gibraan Rahman, but everyone calls me Gibs. I’m a bioinformatics PhD from the Knight Lab at UCSD. My primary research interest is computational microbiology - focusing on statistical methods for differential abundance and diversity analysis. In my spare time, I like to collect vinyl, sing karaoke, and watch basketball (go Rockets!).

Contact me at: gibsramen (at) gmail.com

(†) denotes entry held online due to COVID-19


Bioinformatics & Systems Biology, PhD

University of California, San Diego (Aug 2018 - June 2023)

Biomedical Engineering, BS

Concentration in computational biology

University of Texas at Austin (August 2014 - May 2018)


Graduate Teaching Assistant - Network Biology and Biomedicine

University of California, San Diego (March 2023 - June 2023)

Introduction to Statistics Co-Host

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Incoming Student Bootcamp

University of California, San Diego (September 2021)

Center for Microbiome Innovation/University of California, San Diego (March 2021)

“Software Engineering on a Team” Workshop Co-Host

Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Incoming Student Bootcamp

University of California, San Diego (September 2020, 2021)

Graduate Teaching Assistant - Network Biology and Biomedicine

University of California, San Diego (March 2020 - June 2020)



I am most comfortable with Python for analysis, tool development, and general purpose scripting. Occasionally I utilize tools written in R for bioinformatic analysis although I prefer Python. For command line scripting I often develop bash scripts though I am still learning to properly use cut, awk, etc. I have also recently begun implementing Stan into my workflows as I have been increasingly interested in Bayesian statistics. On occasion I dabble in JavaScript and TypeScript for front-end development and interactive data visualizations.

Software Development

I am very comfortable on the UNIX/Linux command line for both development and analysis. When writing code, I make use of Git & GitHub for version control and open source. I integrate these tools with unit testing and continuous integration through GitHub Actions. I am a strong proponent of test-driven development and robust software testing.


In my PhD work I have developed my skills working on high-performance clusters through job schedulers such as TORQUE and SLURM. I am especially fond of using Snakemake for modular and reproducible bioinformatics workflows. I frequently make use of AWS products including EC2, S3, and Lambda. In my spare time I have also started learning React.js and how to integrate with HTML and CSS.

Data Analysis

I have strengths in pandas and Numpy analysis for general data analysis. When tasked with machine learning problems or modelling I typically use sklearn and/or statsmodels. Additionally, I am very passionate and competent in data visualization through Matplotlib and Seaborn. For interactive visualizations I typically implement Bokeh. Recently I have also been learning Dask and xarray for parallelization and organization of multidimensional data. For microbiome specific analysis I use and develop for the QIIME 2 ecosystem of tools. More recently I have worked with PyTorch and Lightning for neural networks.


“Acceleration of Bioinformatics Workloads” - CRISP 2020

Gave presentation about computational improvements to metagenomics processing workflows.


Cockrell School of Engineering Honors Scholarship

University of Texas at Austin (2014 - 2018)

This scholarship is awarded to incoming first-years to the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin and renewed each year contingent upon exemplary academic performance.

Selected Software Contributions